
  • On cyclists, eagles and the essence of the club

    On cyclists, eagles and the essence of the club

    Article by Edmund West Cyclists are like a family where, to quote the Eagles, Hotel California, ‘You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave’. It’s important to get back to the very simple essence of the club. The essence of the club is rides and ride leaders, because without ride…

  • MBTC turns 50 – a remarkable reunion

    MBTC turns 50 – a remarkable reunion

    A determined sub-committee turned detective to track down pastmembers for a celebration to remember. On 18 November, 131 past and current members gathered at the Furlan Club inThornbury, including 22 out of 28 Club Presidents. Thank you to organiser Judy Beswick for this article It took a lot of work tracking down old members, a…

  • Myth: Heat from rim brakes increases tire pressure

    There seems to be a widely held belief that, when using rim brakes on long descents, the heat from the braking can heat the air inside the tire, increasing the pressure to the point of blowing the tire off the rim. As we will see below, this explanation for how such blowouts occur is very…

  • Summer 2008/09 – Edge of the World tour

    Summer 2008/09 – Edge of the World tour

    Photography by Peter Signorini For many years there has been an informal tradition of doing a longer tour of two or three weeks over the period after Christmas and spanning the new year. The timing is convenient for many people, as it is covered by school holidays and many other people have time off work,…

  • BBTA’s Darling River by Bicycle – 2015

    Hebel to Wentworth and Mildura by Sandie Downs In August 2015 Peter Damm, Suzanne Mintel, Jenni and Stan Pearce and Sandie Downs rode their august steeds 1,125 km, along the dirt roads traversing either side of the Darling River on a self-supported bicycle tour. New members, Sean Kelly and Denis Weisz, joined us for the…

  • Post-Easter 2015 – Railway Ballast Tour

    Post-Easter 2015 – Railway Ballast Tour

    The coronavirus lockdown means that I have more time to look through photos from past rides. This particular ride was done in April 2015, in the week after Easter (and I believe there wasn’t any other club Easter trip that year). According to Edmund, we didn’t start on Good Friday because my Dad was expressing…

  • Easter 2016 – Melville Caves

    Easter 2016 – Melville Caves

    During the coronavirus lockdown, I am taking the opportunity to look back through the archives of photos from past club tours. This one was a four day ride we did over the Easter long weekend in 2016.

  • Sunday May 24th Redbeard Bakery ride: 70 to 80 km, hard.

    The ride will start from Kyneton and head to Trentham for lunch at the Redbeard bakery. The route will follow quiet, mostly unsealed, roads. After lunch, the ride will continue to Woodend, probably through the Wombat State forest; given that the route via the main road isn’t far, and there will be a lot of…

  • Queens Birthday Weekend – Base camp at Avoca

    Train or Car to Beaufort, then a short ride to Avoca. The area boasts quiet roads and a number of wineries. Glen has booked a number of camp sites.