Ride leaders

Become a ride leader  

New ride leaders are always welcome! Reach out to the Rides Secretary to chat about setting up your first ride or co-leading a ride with an experienced ride leader.  

Why lead rides?  

MBTC wouldn’t exist without rides, and every ride needs a ride leader.  

Leading a ride is a rewarding way to share your favourite routes or destinations with others. If you’ve enjoyed being out on rides with others, volunteering to lead rides is also a great way to give back to the club and keep it rolling.  

How to start

The best way to learn is by doing, and to reach out to others – they are here to help.

Read through the checklist below to get a sense of what’s involved and guide you through the steps.  Carefully and consider your capability, confidence level and where you might need support. Most importantly, choose rides that interest YOU.  

A word on Meetup

MBTC uses the Meetup platform for its rides events, and first time ride leaders need to be granted ‘organiser’ status. Contact Walter M via Meetup to arrange this. Walter may also point you to the MBTC Rides Secretary.  

The easiest way to create and publish an event is on a PC computer, and once you’re an Organiser you’ll be able to create and edit events on the usual Meetup website.

Note that the Meetup app (e.g. for your phone or tablet) does not allow you to create or edit events. You’ll need to download the separate Meetup for organisers app

Meetup is not hard to use once you get the hang of it, but can be fiddly at first. Use the checklist below and lean on others for support with your first few rides.

Ride Leader Guidelines

Rights and responsibilities when leading a ride

  • The ride leader has the right to change the route, if participants are notified. 
  • While some flexibility and use of local knowledge can be beneficial, leaders shouldn’t feel pressured to follow suggested route changes.  
  • The ride leader has the right to limit the number or participants on the ride or to cancel the ride if there are not enough numbers 
  • They are able to make general enquiries to gauge riders’ fitness or capability.  
  • The leader is responsible for keeping track of the group and ensuring all riders reach their destination, within reason.  
  • They are required to manage any incidents to the best of their ability and complete an incident report for any safety issues. 
  • Ride leaders (and all members) are encouraged to have first aid training. Visit the First Aid page for more info on accessing first aid training through the club.